
February 2021

/ The Puggle / March 4, 2021

The shortest month of the year was filled with lots of news in the girls’ education space. On the one hand, we heard some hopeful reports of strong re-enrolment rates in Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Colombia, Zambia and elsewhere. On the other hand, reports suggest low attendance rates in Delhi and a hundred thousand students have […]

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January 2021

/ The Puggle / February 9, 2021

Welcome to 2021 — one month in and it has already been an action-packed year! In case you missed it, please encourage girls’ education leaders to apply for the 2021 cohort of Echidna Global Scholars at the Brookings Institution. Application deadline is February 19th. For a dose of inspiration, be sure to watch the swearing […]

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December 2020

/ The Puggle / December 16, 2020

We have spent this year vacillating between feeling crushed by the pain and devastation this year has brought and feeling inspired by the coming together of many people to meet the needs of this moment. Our final Puggle for this year reflects on both the gifts and “gifts” of 2020, which can be read to […]

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November 2020

/ The Puggle / December 8, 2020

The end of 2020 is (finally) in sight. So, where do things stand with respect to education? In this Puggle we provide some big picture updates on education systems and funding, we offer a few snapshots of the impact of the pandemic on education in sub-Saharan Africa and India, and we close with some research […]

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October 2020

/ The Puggle / November 9, 2020

October was a big month! Here’s a quick rundown of the major pieces related to girls’ education, in case you were too busy keeping your eye on other things the past few weeks (which, truthfully, we’d understand!). Four major reports on (girls’) education were published this month: First, the Global Education Monitoring Report came out […]

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September 2020

/ The Puggle / October 15, 2020

September is typically a back-to-school month here in the U.S., but this year school looks a lot different. With many children going back to school online, it’s not surprising that this month we’ve seen a lot written about education technology. First, a new study from Brookings on “Realizing the Promise” of education technology to improve […]

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August 2020

/ The Puggle / September 10, 2020

Our last post was a bit gloomy, so we’re dedicating this month’s Puggle to discussing solutions that might help the education sector to come out of this crisis stronger. We’re moved by the way Arundhati Roy describes this opportunity:  “Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This […]

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July 2020

/ The Puggle / August 3, 2020

What does COVID-19 mean for education and girls’ education in particular? We discuss four themes: (1) Education is in crisis. In fact, it faces more than one crisis. (2) The crisis is especially bad for girls. (3) The pessimistic view is that it will take a long time to recover and inequality will be starker for many years to come. (4) The optimistic view is that we’ll “build back better.”

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February 2020

/ The Puggle / March 4, 2020

February is the month of love. At least that’s what a whole bunch of retail marketers want us to believe. We don’t have anything to sell, but we are orienting this month’s Puggle around the theme of love…as it relates to girls’ education. The case for teaching love — or at least teaching socioemotional learning […]

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January 2020

/ The Puggle / February 12, 2020

Happy 2020! To kick off the year, we’re excited to share a recent episode of the Do One Better Podcast, in which host Alberto Lidji interviews Echidna Giving founders Craig Silverstein and Mary Obelnicki. Listen to the impetus behind founding Echidna Giving — including Craig’s theory of change, which, broadly characterized, “starts with girls’ education […]

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