
Our Grantees Spoke and Here’s What We Learned

/ Insights / January 24, 2020

At the end of 2019 we asked Echidna Giving grantees for feedback on how we are doing. In the spirit of transparency, we would like to share what we learned and summarize how we plan to move forward.

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December 2019

/ The Puggle / December 18, 2019

It’s hard to believe it, but the futuristic-sounding year of 2020 is just two weeks away! Before we race into the future, our last Puggle of 2019 provides an opportunity to reflect on three lessons from the past year. These are drawn from work our grantees are doing to: (1) promote gender equality in early […]

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October 2019

/ The Puggle / November 18, 2019

In this October Puggle, we’re excited to share three newsworthy items from the world of Echidna Giving grantees that we think are significant for the broader field of girls’ education. First, the development community celebrated as three of its own—Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee, and Michael Kremer—won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their […]

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September 2019

/ The Puggle / October 9, 2019

News from Aug and Sept on everything from why girls’ education doesn’t lead to better labor market outcomes to the tension between getting school systems to teach basic skills vs. getting them to teach the broader range of skills we know are important and whether the education aid architecture is broken.

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July 2019

/ The Puggle / July 31, 2019

July was a hot month—literally, with record-breaking heat in many parts of the globe, and figuratively, in girls’ education. The G7 and UNESCO hosted the Paris International Conference on Innovating for girls’ and women’s empowerment through education, where UNESCO launched an Atlas of Girls’ and Women’s Right to Education and France Calls on G-7 to […]

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June 2019

/ The Puggle / July 9, 2019

In honor of Father’s Day, this June edition of the Puggle features the latest news and research about the importance of fathers in girls’ education.

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May 2019

/ The Puggle / June 13, 2019

Over the course of May one of Echidna Giving’s advisors, Ruth Levine, wrote a series of six reflections as she approached the end of her eight-year tenure at the Hewlett Foundation. In Strength in numbers: Taking a field-level view and All happy grantees are alike: They focus on ideas, interactions, and important details, Ruth peels […]

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April 2019

/ The Puggle / May 13, 2019

In April the full Echidna Giving team attended the Comparative and International Education Society. We enjoyed welcoming thousands of our friends working on international education to our home city of San Francisco. Below are six of our lasting impressions from CIES: 1 | Researchers are unpacking the depth and nuance around life skills and social […]

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March 2019

/ The Puggle / April 5, 2019

How did you mark International Women’s Day this month? Did you bemoan outrageous stats about gender inequality? Did you celebrate recent gender policy wins? Or the impressive progress on girls’ education that we’ve seen over the last 50 years? Maybe you said thank you to the important women who have shaped your own life. At […]

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February 2019

/ The Puggle / March 13, 2019

Girls’ education got attention from the Academy when “Period. End of Sentence” won an Oscar for documentary short. “A period should end a sentence, not a girl’s education,” the filmmakers implore. While we couldn’t agree more with the sentiment, unfortunately sanitary pads are far from sufficient for giving girls an education (if they make a […]

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